A process so simple, you will be amazed why you didn't start earlier.

1. You can use a handheld digital voice recorder (we work with all models in the market). Or, you may choose to
use our Phone-In Dictation System.

2. We will set you up with username and password for your practice to access a secure FTP server

Using: Handheld Recorder
3. Use the handheld voice recorder for your dictations that need to be transcribed.

4. When you are ready to send the voice files to Solinmed for transcription, login to our secure FTP server with
your username and password.

5. Just plug in the handheld voice recorder to the computer and drag and drop (copy) the voice files to our
secure FTP server.

Using: Phone-In Dictation System
3. We will provide a toll-free number for your dictations.

4. Call the Toll-Free Telephone number.

5. Record dictations for one or many patients in one or more recording sessions.

6. We will transcribe your dictations, and have your transcribed documents ready for you to pick up, on the secure
FTP server in12 - 24 hours.

7. You can copy the transcribed documents from the Internet Website to your computer.

8. You can now print the transcribed documents or store them in your EMR Software.

And you are done! Enjoy the ease and simplicity of our Premium Transcription Service.

Efficiency at its Best

For Accurate Reports

Contact Us
Call: 866.644.2347